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Kilcoskan National School, Dublin

News - Small Class 2

2021/2022 School Year

10th Nov 2021
As the weather starts to get colder we are exploring the different clothes we need...
22nd Oct 2021
We headed off for our 2nd horse riding lesson today. We were lucky and the rain...
12th Oct 2021
We also planned a traditional Halloween game today. We had to not knock the grape...
8th Oct 2021
We had a nice trip to the playground in Ashbourne today. 
6th Oct 2021
We made some yummy fruit smoothies today. We cut up the bananas and added them to...
4th Oct 2021
We created a lovely rainbow today using skittles and hot water. It was fun to see...
22nd Sep 2021
We followed a visual recipe today to make popcorn in our popcorn maker. It was very...
22nd Sep 2021
Had fun with our fine motor games today. Some of them are quite tricky but we tried...
22nd Sep 2021
We went on a Nature walk today. We collected lots of lovely crunchy leaves. We also...
21st Sep 2021
We  have started making some lovely Autumn themed art in our class. Make sure...